Hi everybody,
In consideration of the public health concerns related to COVID-19, New Vision Church is completely shutting down the church campus effective immediately - including the Pathway Chapel. So we will not be having worship services for the next three Sundays beginning this Sunday, March 15.
However, our worship services will be available online via our Facebook page. Go to the FB page for a live service at 9:30am. The live service will be recorded and available for second service or anytime thereafter. Stay tuned to our social media pages, and we will do our best to keep you informed and connected.
In addition, we're asking our community groups to not meet in person for the next three weeks, but to use technology (i.e. Zoom, Hangouts, etc.) to connect online.
If someone asks why churches choose to respond to this health crisis by closing their doors, here’s our response:
- We are loving our neighbors by protecting our neighbors.
- We are not being fearful. We are being responsible.
- This is what love requires of us (John 13:34) in this season.
Thank you for your patience and your prayers!
P. Bob